Brands and agencies are investing more in in-app advertising @ Business of Apps

2019-05-29T20:28:47+03:00October 24th, 2018|Articles, Case-studies, Market-insights|

  The majority of brands (77%) have now asked their agencies to invest in in-app inventory according to a survey by tech company Fyber among ad agencies and brands. Both UK agencies and advertisers are now spending the [...]

Instant Coffee, Noodles & Apps: going back to the bright future for 2017.

2019-05-30T16:14:13+03:00January 19th, 2017|Market-insights, Uncategorized|

IN THINKING about the past year in the mobile advertising industry and its impact on the App Ecosystem, I'm struck by how massively positive the data has proven to be. More especially, since some ‘experts’ have thrown out statements [...]

A booming year, but hey, many more gifts are coming down the Chimney!

2019-05-30T16:41:55+03:00November 28th, 2014|Market-insights|

The mobile advertising industry continues to evolve at rapid pace — even as we close out 2014; it reflects the relentless pursuit of revenue that publishers and developers need; in order to fire their passion, or sustain their [...]