Minimob now accepts bitcoin payments. So, if you wish to fund your campaigns using bitcoins, that’s all right with us!

Make sure you are logged in the Minimob platform and then head for the Billing menu at the Advertise dashboard. Under the New Payment section, you’ll notice that it now includes bitcoin as a payment method. To make a payment using bitcoins, just click on the bitcoin logo. At the popup that will be displayed, enter the amount you wish to transfer from your bitcoin wallet. The corresponding credits are automatically calculated (based on the current exchange rate) and displayed. To proceed, select Request Payment Details and follow the onscreen instructions for completing the payment. If you have Bitcoin Wallet on your smartphone, you can speed up the process by scanning the QR code that is presented.

That’s it! Your Minimob account is promptly credited with the amount you specified and your campaigns can now run using the credits from the bitcoins that you transferred.